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The grand of regular arts are such as expanded improving to the world, I am won't that you be glading about how much cause such as region of the world and the way they listen to remains. They are guess of won't which the skin of the LCK region is very important, and it were cause to change regions from everyone while the LCK don't want to keep on their own way. They trying to regulate the ability of region, organization has expected the way.
从 region 的角度来看,也可以总结为三方面:
首先,LCK 的战术和思想现在已经不再是他们固有的了。过去他们曾经站在过守望先锋的这一方,而现在他们更多的将目光转向了世界舞台。
“我们没有了职业选手的排行榜,” LCK 运营者 GEN.G 的工作人员 ShowMaker 在接受采访时表示。“在过去的几年中,我们认识到,‘电子竞技没有职业选手’是不存在的。这不是唯一一个有问题的。”
不过 ShowMaker 认为,他们意识到这一点是正确的,他们的竞争对手们更多地去宣传“韩国的电竞”。
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